How Are Your Crops Doing? - An Overview For Growers
Posted June 13, 2017
Early season tissue testing can be a valuable tool in an overall fertility program to assess how your crops are doing.
Weather can disrupt your best laid plans for adequate plant nutrition, and the ability to adapt to these disruptions can help to maximize yield potential. Utilizing a plant tissue analysis before critical yield-determining growth stages can provide information to make informed decisions about the nutrient needs of your crops.
With the CropCoach Tissue Testing Program, growers are able to analyze tissue test results and choose products to help correct nutrient deficiencies and increase ROI.
Step 1 - Receive a CropCoach Tissue Testing Kit
Step 2 - Gather samples and conduct tissue testing
Step 3 - Input tissue test results at
Step 4 - Choose products to correct nutrient deficiencies
Step 5 - Increase ROI with your customized foliar program